A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Will Replace Human Intelligence 

1950s: The Beginnings of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research

With the development of the electronic computer in 1941 and the stored program computer in 1949 the conditions for research in artificial intelligence (AI) were given. Still, the observation of a link between human intelligence and machines was not widely observed until the late 1950s.

A discovery that influenced much of the early development of AI was made by Norbert Wiener. He was one of the first to theorize that all intelligent behavior was the result of feedback mechanisms. Mechanisms that could possibly be simulated by machines. A further step towards the development of modern AI was the creation of The Logic Theorist. Designed by Newell and Simon in 1955 it may be considered the first AI program.

The person who finally coined the term artificial intelligence and is regarded as the father of AI is John McCarthy. In 1956 he organized a conference "The Dartmouth summer research project on artificial intelligence" to draw the talent and expertise of others interested in machine intelligence for a month of brainstorming. In the following years AI research centers began forming at the Carnegie Mellon University as well as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and new challenges were faced: 1) the creation of systems that could efficiently solve problems by limiting the search and 2) the construction of systems that could learn by themselves.

One of the results of the intensified research in AI was a novel program called The General Problem Solver, developed by Newell and Simon in 1957 (the same people who had created The Logic Theorist). It was an extension of Wiener's feedback principle and capable of solving a greater extent of common sense problems. While more programs were developed a major breakthrough in AI history was the creation of the LISP (LISt Processing) language by John McCarthy in 1958. It was soon adopted by many AI researchers and is still in use today.
Singularity Prosperity Oct 25, 2018 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgn7mZODnag
Introduction: The Substitution of Human Faculties with Technology: Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Research in artificial intelligence, starting in the 1960s, yet formulated a new goal: the automation of thought processes with intelligent machines. Although first attempts to develop "thinking" machines had only little success as the aimed at solving very general problems, the invention of expert systems marked a breakthrough. Albeit the application of those semi-intelligent systems is (still) restricted to quite narrow domains of performance, such as taxation and medical image interpretation, they are able to mimic the knowledge and reasoning capabilities of an expert in a particular discipline. While the development of intelligent machines, which are able to reason, to generalize and to learn from past experience is not likely to become reality in the very near future, research in artificial intelligence progresses quickly and sooner or later the substitution of men's unique faculties will come true.
1980s: Artificial Intelligence (AI) - From Lab to Life
Following the commercial success of expert systems, which started in the 1970s, also other AI technologies began to make their way into the marketplace. In 1986, U.S. sales of AI-related hardware and software rose to U.S.$ 425 million. Especially expert systems, because of their efficiency, were still in demand. Yet also other fields of AI turned out to be successful in the corporate world.

Machine vision systems for example were used for the cameras and computers on assembly lines to perform quality control. By 1985 over a hundred companies offered machine vision systems in the U.S., and sales totaled U.S.$ 80 million. Although there was a breakdown in the market for AI-systems in 1986 - 1987, which led to a cut back in funding, the industry slowly recovered.

New technologies were being invented in Japan. Fuzzy logic pioneered in the U.S. and also neural networks were being reconsidered for achieving artificial intelligence. The probably most important development of the 1980s was, that it showed that AI technology had real life uses. AI applications like voice and character recognition systems or steadying camcorders using fuzzy logic were not only made available to business and industry, but also to the average customer.

A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Will Replace Human Intelligence

A.I. is Progressing Faster Than You Think!
April 12, 2017 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQO2PcEW9BY

What does 'Artificial' really mean?
ar·ti·fi·cial [ahr-t uh- fish- uhl]
1. made by human skill; produced by humans ( natural): artificial flowers.
2. imitation; simulated; sham: artificial vanilla flavoring.
3. lacking naturalness or spontaneity; forced; contrived; feigned: an artificial smile.
4. full of affectation; affected; stilted: artificial manners; artificial speech.
5. made without regard to the particular needs of a situation, person, etc.; imposed arbitrarily; unnatural: artificial rules for dormitory residents.
Google dictionary

AlanTuring.net: What is AI?
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is usually defined as the science of making computers do things that require intelligence when done by humans. AI has had some success in limited, or simplified, domains. However, the five decades since the inception of AI have brought only very slow progress, and early optimism... http://www.alanturing.net/turing_archive/pages/reference%20articles/what%20is%20ai.html

Artificial Intelligence Asked Question About God/Trump/2 AI Argue
December 3, 2016 - Reprogram diseases - What is AI - Think like a human - Rev 13:15 The Bible says the image will speak and who ever does not worship the image will be put to death. AI Can quickly learn everything there is to learn about information and give you relevant answers: financial advice, healthcare, scientific research, of course success even eternal life without hell to human being. IBM is a super computer. The geneius is in the software with cloud computing in mind. .

Humanity Has A Five-Ten Percent Chance of Surviving Artificial Intelligence Warns Elon Musk
By Nate Brown - November 27, 2017
The future is paved with artificial intelligence says Silicon Valley, however, according to Elon Musk, humanity has only about a 5-10 percent chance of surviving it.
Forced evolution they call it, but in reality technocrats, conglomerates, and some governments are weary of the labor constraints of humans, and in due course, large corporations plan on replacing the human workforce with robotics and automation.
In fact, it is estimated that in as little as five years, careers will begin to vanish only this time, to be replaced by automation. But, Elon Musk isn’t warning about the crushing blow Artificial Intelligence will have on the workforce. Instead, Musk is warning about another inevitable outcome, killer robotics. Videos https://christianjournal.net/turning-point/science/beast-tech/humanity-has-a-

Can we Build AI Without Losing Control Over it?
Sam Harris - Similarly, Julian Assange of Wikileaks made some stark statements about Silicon Valley which seemingly align with what Elon Musk had previously stated to Zuckerberg;
"The most important development as far as the fate of human beings are concerned is that we are getting close to the threshold were the traditional propaganda function that is employed by BBC, The Daily Mail, and cultures also, can be encapsulated by AI processes." Assange said.

"When you have AI programs harvesting all the search queries and youtune videos it starts to Lay out perceptual influence campaigns, twenty to thirty moves ahead. This starts to become totally beneath the level of human perception."

Using Google as an example, and comparing the wit involved to a game of chess, he said at this level human beings become powerless as they can't even see it happening. Admitting his vision was dystopian, he suggested that he could be wrong.

"Maybe there be a new band of technologically empowered human beings that can see this [rueful] fate coming towards us. [Which] will be able to extract value or diminish it be directly engaging with it - That's also possible."

Another insight offered by the Wikileaks founder was his opinion that engineers involved in AI lack perception about what they are doing.

"I know from our sources deep inside the Silicon Valley Institutions that they genuinely believe that they are going to produce AI that's so powerful, relatively soon, that people will have their brains digitized, uploaded to these AIs and live forever in simulation, therefore have eternal life."



Upcoming Technology 2017, Will Change Your Life Totally
Polumu tech - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFBp4l7ziuA

1980s: Artificial Intelligence (AI) - From Lab to Life
Following the commercial success of expert systems, which started in the 1970s, also other AI technologies began to make their way into the marketplace. In 1986, U.S. sales of AI-related hardware and software rose to U.S.$ 425 million. Especially expert systems, because of their efficiency, were still in demand. Yet also other fields of AI turned out to be successful in the corporate world.

Machine vision systems for example were used for the cameras and computers on assembly lines to perform quality control. By 1985 over a hundred companies offered machine vision systems in the U.S., and sales totaled U.S.$ 80 million. Although there was a breakdown in the market for AI-systems in 1986 - 1987, which led to a cut back in funding, the industry slowly recovered.

New technologies were being invented in Japan. Fuzzy logic pioneered in the U.S. and also neural networks were being reconsidered for achieving artificial intelligence. The probably most important development of the 1980s was, that it showed that AI technology had real life uses. AI applications like voice and character recognition systems or steadying camcorders using fuzzy logic were not only made available to business and industry, but also to the average customer.

Artificial Intelligence Has Gone Too Far!
Why is Elon Musk investing billions to stop the AI apocalypse? AI makes its own updates. It renews itself. It rewrites itself at speeds that we hardly know. You can't take it apart again. It writes independently. It does its own thinking and there are dangers associated with that.

AI can't be controlled Why would we not be able to control something that we created? How could this get out of hand? They hacve to be programed. They need an algorithm to complete the task. What is causing AI to not need instruction? This brings up AI by Google: Deep Mind. They purchased the process from Britain and now they can learn human activities. The computer that can mimick short term memory of the human brain. Google has aquired 8 robotics manufacturers. Why are they gobbeling up all robotics companies? It's about learning.. Problem is they are learning faster and more effectively than they had projected. Humans can't read their language and researchers shut down AI because it invented its own language. AI is supposed to be exactly as the human brain. Map of internet is like our brain or the neurons firing our brain.

Spiritual portion: my body and soul If technology has created a digital mind a robotic bot, what keeps artificial souls from completing that package? Are they creating vessels for dark forces in robots? Satan has no vessels nor authority so he creates artificial intelligence. AI will poresent itself as a Messiah who will help humanity ascend including all the promises of the esoteric. Now the doctors are offering enhancement for babies before they are born. It is all coming so quickly. According to lDaniel 2:43 "and whereas you saw iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the see of men.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvfZKE3yNm4

Weaponized Artificial Intelligence Set To Create Autonomous Nightmare in 2018 – Mike Lynch video [Maximising Human Living?]
By Nate Brown - December 29, 2017 - Ready for the autonomous apocalypse? Weaponized artificial intelligence is set to make headlines in 2018 for the first time. According to Mike Lynch, Britain’s Bill Gates, as early as 2018 humanity can begin to expect things like totally autonomous weaponized artificial intelligence that delivers its blows slowly, stealthily and virtually without trace. These mechanisms, once released, are not controlled. Instead, they operate independently of direction, deep within enemy territory. Artificial Intelligence is the next big thing, and according to Mike Lynch;

Google Artificial Intelligence Created it’s Own ‘Offspring’ Paving Way For ‘Computer-Born Entities’
By Nate Brown - December 27, 2017 - Artificial Intelligence in the ‘world of tech’ is the next big thing, but that world is bridging with ours. Computer scientists at Google have developed a form of AI which is creating its own ‘children.’ AI is being sold as a technology that, once fully developed, can aid humanity in our endeavors, but the conglomerates are in fact developing tools that can replace, wholesale, the need for a human workforce. Technologists would have us believe that what they are creating is for the betterment of mankind, just as our smartphones and computers have become extensions of ourselves, they claim, artificial intelligence will further be an advancement for humanity.

However, many scientists, CEO’s and engineers have warned that with true artificial intelligence the outcome could be detrimental because the AI could create a system or platform only it could operate and control.
While that sounds Sci-fi, Google’s Artificial Intelligence created just that, it’s own offspring. The AI created ‘children’ all on it’s own to better perform the task humans required of it. Google’s artificial intelligence created a child outside of being programmatically commanded to do such, instead it operated independently.

Google’s system
Google’s AI builds its own AI child and it’s better than anything humans have made


Artificial Intelligence - Is this the beginning of the end for humanity? Google’s AI builds its own AI child and it’s better than anything humans have made


Artificial Intelligence - Is this the beginning of the end for humanity?
It is known as AutoML, and it has a wide range of applications, one of which is image classification. Interestingly enough, the computer-made system, known as NASNet which was designed by AutoML, was created autonomously to identify objects, such as people and vehicles in photographs and videos, the search engine giant says. https://christianjournal.net/turning-point/google-artificial-intelligence-created-

Google’s AI builds its own AI child
Artificial Intelligence - Is this the beginning of the end for humanity?
Google’s AI-building AI actually went ahead and built a fully-functional AI child that, as it turns out, is more capable than any AI built by human hands. Historians will look back at this moment, from their ruined cities and hideouts from their robot masters, as the time where the downfall of humanity began.

Of course, it’s not actually all that doom and gloom, the child AI is really only capable of a specific task – image recognition. Using its AutoML AI, Google’s AI-building AI created its child AI using a technique called reinforcement learning. This works just like machine learning, except it’s entirely automated where AutoML acts as the neural network for its task-driven AI child.

Known as NASNet, the child AI was tasked with recognising objects in a video, in real time. AutoML would then evaluate how good NASNet was at its task and then improve its algorithms using the data to create a superior version of NASNet.


Watching an AI create fake celebrity faces is nightmare fuel

Artificial Intelligence
Researchers at Nvidia trained a pair of neural networks to create fictional celebrities. Like an algorithmic version of John Carpenter’s The Thing, Nvidia has created a machine-learning system that morphs into hundred of made-up celebrity faces. In a publication on the project, Nvidia’s researchers describe how they came up with a new way to spawn unique faces with the use of a generative adversarial network (GAN). This type of machine learning uses a pair of neural networks, and sets them in competition with each other. One of the networks is tasked with generating images, while the second is put in the role of discriminator – evaluating the work done by the former like an AI art critic.

AI Attacking Humans

The Substitution of Human Faculties with Technology: Early Tools
The development of modern technologies, led by men's curiosity and inquiring mind as well as the desire to facilitate work processes has a long and complex history.
Already in prehistoric times tools made of stone were developed to expand men's physical power. In the following millenniums simple mechanical devices and machines such as the wheel, the lever and the pulley were invented. The next step was the development of powered machines. For example, windmills, waterwheels and simple steam-driven devices.

One Hour of Imaginary Celebrities ?


5G and The AI Control Grid

AI Expert: Artilect War Coming Faster Than Predicted
November 30, 2017 - Hugo de Garis - AI expert on the accelerating clash between AI & humans. Are we about to experience an "Artilect War" between techno-elite like Bezos and the mass of humanity that de Garis predicted 20 years ago? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdQi6lnyWYc

Aperture Oct 5, 2018 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pls_q2aQzHg

CaspianReport Dec 16, 2018 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0gUXxZ-ExE

AI IN 2019
Siraj Raval Dec 31, 2018 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BlPFE7R8psk

Super Soldier: Army Tests New 'AI-Controlled-Exoskeleton'

Geordie Rose of Kindred AI presents Super-intelligent Aliens Are Coming to Earth


A.I TAKE0ver

Extraterrestrials Are Likely SOMEONE Else's Machines
UAMN TV Sep 6, 2018 -
Linda Moulton Howe starts off with Elon Musk's comments to American governors at a meeting in Rhode Island: "Artificial Intelligence is a fundamental risk to the existence of human civilization and I don't think people really appreciate that." With video and images, Linda will lay out the emerging problems of applying A. I. to robots, especially those under development for military applications with weapons, and those problems include the potential for robots to lethally turn on their human makers.
As humanity is rapidly moving to depend on A. I. robot support, people in the UFO/E.T. abduction syndrome have been saying for decades that some of the beings they have dealt with were clearly Someone else's programmed androids and robots. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scBrVaOP3Mk

Abolition of Net Neutrality explained and why it matters.
TotalBiscuit, The Cynical Brit - July 11, 2017

Human speech will be replaced by thought communication by 2050, claims expert
HUMAN speech will become a thing of the past by the year 2050, by which time we will communicate by thought via a computer-generated collective consciousness, it has been claimed By Ciaran McGrath
PUBLISHED: Feb 17, 2018 - Marko Karjnovic unveiled his ideas at The Museum of the Future as part of the World Government Summit in Dubai.
The Hybrid Intelligence Biometric Avatar (HIBA), will understand the feelings of people connected to it, take on their personas, exchange information with them and even become part of the fabric of their brains.
Mr Karjnovic, who has produced the exhibit, explained: "It is very similar to the work of Elon Musk – it is an open source platform for humanity.
"HIBA will have the ability to connect the minds of the most clever of us, combining those minds with everything it can find out practically and put it all together in hybrid intelligence."
He suggested the technology would enable people to use "brain to brain communication" anywhere on the planet.
HIBA would work in much the same way as existing AI applications such as Siri and Alexa, but on a much grander and more sophisticated scale.
The research suggests it will be more effective than verbal communication and will “enable people to connect with friends, family or business owners in a more profound manner”.
Mr Krajnovic said: "In 2018, the highest level of AI relies on collecting data from the internet.

Elon Musk Is Leaving the Board of an AI Safety Group He Co-Founded
By Tom Huddleston Jr. - February 21, 2018 - Tesla CEO Elon Musk has been described as an artificial intelligence alarmist even as the tech billionaire invested in AI research. Now, Musk is leaving the board of a non-profit AI research company he co-founded in 2015 due to potential conflicts with his ongoing work at Tesla.
The research group, OpenAI, said in a blog post this week that Musk will leave its board in order to avoid any conflicts with his work at Tesla and its AI-supported autonomous driving technology. “As Tesla continues to become more focused on AI, this will eliminate a potential future conflict for Elon,” OpenAI said in the blog post. Musk will remain an advisor to the group and he will continue to donate to OpenAI’s research efforts.
Over the past couple of years, OpenAI has worked to develop applications of AI in fields such as robotics and gaming, among others. Its goal is to independently research artificial intelligence “in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity as a whole, unconstrained by a need to generate financial return,” the group said in 2015.
At the same time, Musk’s Tesla continues to push deeper into the world of AI research itself as it develops machine learning technology for autonomous vehicles. He has also been vocal about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence—even describing AI as “the greatest risk we face as a civilization” while engaging in a war of words with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg over their disagreement on the subject. Among Musk’s concerns regarding AI are the idea that artificial intelligence could become dangerous if it evolves past the point of human intelligence. http://fortune.com/2018/02/21/elon-musk-leaving-board-openai/

Jan 4, 2019 - Even as artificial intelligence (AI) is forecast to exceed human capabilities across a range of industries it is also predicted to augment human labor. In finance, AI is already helping financial advisors augment financial planning while enhancing investment strategy. And in medicine, AI diagnostics systems have proven to be far more accurate than doctors in diagnosing heart disease and cancerous growths. In fact, McKinsey lists some 400 use cases representing $6 trillion in value across 19 industries in which AI will augment human work. But what about government? What will the impact of AI be on the nature of government? Waking Government to AI Cont'd:

Elon Musk is famous for his futuristic gambles, but Silicon Valley's latest rush to embrace artificial intelligence scares him. And he thinks you should be frightened too. Inside his efforts to influence the rapidly advancing field and its proponents, and to save humanity from machine-learning overlords.
by Maureen Dowd, March 26, 2017 5:00 pm
I. Running Amok
It was just a friendly little argument about the fate of humanity. Demis Hassabis, a leading creator of advanced artificial intelligence, was chatting with Elon Musk, a leading doomsayer, about the perils of artificial intelligence.
They are two of the most consequential and intriguing men in Silicon Valley who don't live there. Hassabis, a co-founder of the mysterious London laboratory DeepMind, had come to Musk's SpaceX rocket factory, outside Los Angeles, a few years ago. They were in the canteen, talking, as a massive rocket part traversed overhead. Musk explained that his ultimate goal at SpaceX was the most important project in the world: interplanetary colonization. Cont'd:

The Occult History Of AI, Data From Devils
OPBC Online - Gospel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gi7FN5YonQs




[Satan pays well: Apple CEO Tim Cook Earned $102 Million in 2017
December 27, 2017 PST by Juli Clover - In fiscal 2017, Apple CEO Tim Cook received a salary of $3.06 million plus $9.33 million in bonuses and stock worth $89.2 million for a total compensation package of approximately $102 million, reports Bloomberg. The data was shared today by Apple in a proxy statement filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission ahead of the company's annual shareholders meeting, which will take place on February 13, 2018.

Is Artificial Intelligence the 'Greatest Threat to Christianity'?

The Bible Says this is Exactly how it Would Look Before the End (2017-2018) 386,940 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWe62uHpikY

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are the sole responsibility of the author. If you have a problem with the correctness of the information, please contact the author.
 (In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

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